Bursaries By Study Field : Visual Arts
1820 Settlers National Monument Fort Selwyn Drive Grahamstown
Available to school-leavers who will enter upon a first degree course majoring in English, in the year following their application. Tenable at any South African University/Teachers Training College.
31 Oct 2025
66 Margaret Mcingana Street (Cnr Gwigwi Mrwebi) Johannesburg South Africa
The NAC is a national agency mandated by the Department of Arts and Culture, with the responsibility of developing South Africa’s creative industry by awarding grants to individuals and organisations in the arts. The bursaries are allocated to undergraduate students studying in the arts at a university or university of technology. Students do not apply to the NAC directly. Money is allocated to the tertiary institutions which provide arts tuition according to guidelines and criteria provided by the NAC. The NAC operates by inviting applicants to submit their project proposals and applications for bursaries once per annum, in which an independent panel of experts in each of the seven arts disciplines adjudicates on each application and makes recommendations to council.
09 Sep 2025