Rand Water Bursaries


Rand Water

Rand Water invites undergraduates who are interested in joining the Water Sector to apply for our External Bursary Scheme in the fields listed below: N. Diploma / BTech: Water Care 2nd , 3rd or 4th year; N.Diploma / BTech / B.Eng / Degree / BSC Eng: Civil / Mechanical Engineer 2nd, or 3rd year; BTech / Degree: Quantity Surveying 2nd or 3rd year; N.Diploma / BTech: Mechanical Engineer 2nd, or 3rd year; N.Diploma / BTech: Electrical Engineer 2nd, or 3rd year; N.Diploma / BTech / Degree: Instrumentation Engineer 2nd, or 3rd year; N.Diploma / BTech / Degree: Process Engineer 2nd, or 3rd year; Degree / BSc Chemistry: Chemistry 2nd or 3rd year.
Bursary Fields

Who Can Apply

Looking for the following: South African citizens • Previously disadvantaged individuals • Currently in Matric or have passed Matric or currently studying or intend on studying within one of the aforementioned fields of study • Meet minimum of 65% + academic performance in major subjects in field of study • Not possess of other bursary funding,• Applicants must be under the age of 30 • Accepted to study or Registered at recognized tertiary educational institution (i.e.University and or University of Technology).

Bursary Levels

Graduates , Undergraduate
Which Countries can Apply?

South Africa
Contact Details

522 Impala Rd, Glenvista, Johannesburg
Application Address


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