
An electrophysiologist is a cardiologist who specialises in a type of cardiology called electrophysiology. Electrophysiology entails the diagnosis and treatment of irregular heartbeats, or arrhythmias of the heart.

Electrophysiologists complete all the training requirements of a cardiologist, (medical school, residency, and fellowship), plus additional years of training in electrophysiology.

Electrophysiologists study the electrical properties of biological cells and tissues. They measure the voltage change or electrical current flow on a great variety of scales. They might work with single ion channel proteins or whole organs such as the heart. In neuroscience, electrophysiologists measure the electrical activity of neurons, as well as action potential activity.

There are two main divisions of electrophysiology: extracellular recording and intracellular recording. Intracellular recordings are usually (but not in every case) made from cells “in vitro” (in a glass or plastic tube), while extracellular recordings are usually “in vivo” (in living animals or organisms). Intracellular recording devices include the voltage clamp and the current clamp. Extracellular recording involves field potential recording, single unit recording, single channel recording, and amperometry.

There are numerous branches of electrophysiology:
  • electrocardiography for the heart
  • electromyography for the muscles
  • electrophalography for the brain
  • electrocorticography for the cerebral cortex
  • electrooculography for the eyes
  • electroretinography for the retina
A cardiac electrophysiologist performs an electrophysiologic study (EPS) of the electrical conduction system of the heart by inserting catheters within the heart. There are a number of different tests the electrophysiologist is able to carry out. If the heart is stimulated electrically via the catheter, it is known as programmed electrical stimulation (PES). Doctors use PES to help diagnose certain types of heart disease.

Employment in this profession is expected to grow at a much faster pace than the national average for the next few years. As the population grows and becomes older there will be an increasing demand for specialists in heart-related illnesses. There is already a growing need for paediatric electrophysicists. Public awareness of heart-related health issues is also increasing the demand for high tech equipment in hospitals, and trained people to operate the machinery.

Personal Requirements

  • able to perform well under pressure
  • perform well as part of a team
  • a perfectionist, accurate and meticulous
  • emotionally balanced, patient and calm
  • tactful, able to put patients at ease
  • able to make quick, sound decisions in an emergency situation
  • responsible and ethical

How to Enter

Schooling & School Subjects

Compulsory Subjects: Mathematics, Physical Science 
Recommended subjects: Life Sciences

  • Pass matric with a Bachelor's pass
  • Meet the admission requirements (APS) set by the university
  • All applications for admission to MBChB and Medical degrees are subject to selection.
  • Due to the limited number of spaces available, only a small percentage of applicants are admitted.

What to Study

MBChB degree at UP, UCT, UFS, Wits, US, UL, UKZN:

  • Theoretical training: 6 years
  • Student internship: 1 year
  • Practical work at a hospital: 1 year (also known as the house doctor year).
The UCT / Groote Schuur Hospital Cardiac Clinic is the only academic electrophysiology unit in South Africa. It offers training and exposure to electrophysiology not only to local cardiologists-in-training (Senior Registrars) but to those from other training institutions.

Registration: on successful completion of the examination to qualify as a specialist, the candidate must register with the HPCSA as an electrophysiologist.

Because electrophysiologists deal directly with patients, it is recommended that students also take a course in psychology. At the post-secondary level students in undergraduate and graduate programmes for electrophysiology study subjects such as anatomy and cell biology, pharmacology, physiology, cellular and tissue biomechanics, biochemistry and molecular genetics.


  • medical schools
  • general hospitals
  • clinics
  • private hospitals
  • private practice

Further Information

Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) 
(553) of Hamilton and
Madiba Streets,
Arcadia, Pretoria
Tel: (012) 338-9300

Getting Started

  • apply to do volunteer or part-time work at local hospitals
  • do a first aid course with St John’s Ambulance Foundation
  • read as much as possible about diseases of the heart and cardiovascular system

Programmes by Study Institutions

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