Environmental Restoration Planner

Environmental restoration planners collaborate with field and biology staff to supervise the implementation of restoration projects and to develop new products. They process and synthesise complex scientific data into practical strategies for restoration, monitoring or management.

Environmental planners can be involved in all aspects of environmental restoration or protection projects, from cost and scope estimation, to design and implementation, including supervision of people and budgets. Their projects may focus on restoring the environment or mitigating the negative environmental impacts of other projects or facilities. Whatever the project, their aim is to create a comprehensive plan for the effective environmental management of an area.

Environmental planners collect and analyse data to determine specific environmental conditions and restoration needs. They then develop natural resource management plans using their knowledge of environmental planning as well as government environmental regulations. Sometimes they may also supervise and provide technical guidance, training, or assistance to employees working in the field.

Environmental planners may also create diagrams to communicate plans, often with geographic information systems (GIS), computer-aided design (CAD) programs, or other mapping or diagramming software. They might also conduct environmental impact studies to examine the ecological effects of pollutants, disease, human activities, nature, and climate change on a specific area.

They may develop environmental management or restoration plans for sites with power transmission lines, natural gas pipelines, fuel refineries, geothermal plants, wind farms or solar farms.

New environmental awareness has resulted in a greater focus on waste minimization, resource recovery, pollution prevention and consideration being given to the environmental effects during product development. This shift in focus to preventive management will provide many new opportunities for environmental scientists in consulting roles.

Personal Requirements

  • pay attention to detail
  • have good observation skills
  • have the ability to integrate data from many sources and test hypotheses rigorously
  • have an open and inquiring mind
  • have good oral and written communication skills
  • enjoy synthesizing information, analysing data, developing models and finding innovative solutions to problems

How to Enter

Schooling & School Subjects

National Senior Certificate meeting degree requirements for a degree course
Each institution has its own entry requirements.

What to Study

A BSc degree in Environmental Science, Natural Resource Management, or other related field


  • government
  • research organisations

Further Information

Peace Parks Foundation
11 Termo Road
Techno Park
Stellenbosch, 7600
Stellenbosch, 7613
Tel: (021) 880-5100


Getting Started

  • speak to an environmental planner about this career and ask to observe him/her at work
  • read up on these topics in books and on internet

Programmes by Study Institutions

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