Pet shop owners sell and take care of any companion animals, from hamsters to dogs. They usually also stock various animal foods.
Pet shop owners need to keep animal cages clean and see to it that the animals are properly fed. They need to have a broad knowledge about animals that could possibly make suitable pets. Pet shop owners also need to make sure all the animals are healthy, because disease may spread and cause havoc in their shops, for instance, when fish get white spot, they can die, and the condition is highly contagious.
Health inspectors visit pet shops to ensure that owners take good care of all their animals. If animals are ill-treated, pet shop owners are liable to lose their licences. Pet accessories can include catnip, sandboxes, leashes, collars, aquatic plants, pictures, sawdust, books, food, toys and food supplements etc. Some pet shop owners also keep snakes and monkeys, but a special permit is needed to sell these animals.
No formal training is available for this career, but a general knowledge of business is recommended.
pet shop owners
self-employment, setting up own pet shop
Various pet shops
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