Click on the careers below to get more information on the career and where to study.
Hydrologist |
Industrial Designer |
Industrial Technician: Hydrometry |
Inspector of Works |
Instrument Maker |
Marine Architect or Boatbuilder and Shipwright |
Materials Scientist or Engineer |
Mechanical Engineer |
Mechatronic Engineer |
Metallurgical Engineer |
Mining Engineer |
Mining Industry Careers |
Nanoscientist or Nanosystems Engineer |
Navigating Officer |
Network Architect |
Nuclear Engineer |
Petroleum Technologist |
Photonics Engineer |
Physicist |
Pilot: Civilian |
Pipeline Risk Management |
Pipeline Transmission Optimisation |
Plastics Technologist or Polymer Scientist |
Property Developer |
Property Manager |
Quality Systems Auditor |
Quantity Surveyor |
Radiation Protection Specialist |
Renewable Energy Engineer |
Rubber Technologist |
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