After consideration it was decided that Life Orientation at FET phase (Grades 10-12) would be phased out. This is to happen by 2025.
This has implications for career guidance. It will change the way in which career guidance will now take place. It is envisaged that career education will become the role of the subject teacher who will be responsible for informing learners about the career opportunities relating to their subject. A lot of the onus will now fall upon learners to do their own research as it is unreasonable to expect all subject teachers to be up-to-date on job trends in their particular subject area.
There is an abundance of job data and career information available on the internet yet a lot of this data is old or incorrect. This will make it increasingly important for teachers and learners to know where to find reliable job and career information. The website will become increasingly used as it is well recognised for its accuracy in providing job and career information for students in South Africa, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Swaziland, Rwanda, Uganda, Tanzania, Ghana, Zambia, Lesotho, Mauritius, Malawi, and Namibia.
The Gostudy career guidance network is also popular for doing searches on Bursaries (, Study programmes and qualifications (, Study institutions (, Job and career information (, and international study options and opportunities (