Subject Choice - Dramatic Arts

Subject Choice - Dramatic Arts

Dramatic Arts        


Dramatic Arts is the study of the representation of human experience in dramatic form for an audience.  It equips learners with crucial life skills such as confidence, self-esteem, creativity, communication skills, empathy, self-discipline, critical and creative thinking, leadership and collaborative teamwork which will benefit the individual in any field or future interest.  Dramatic Arts also develops the skills of analysis and the ability to interpret both written sources and performances.


By engaging in this subject you will appreciate the importance of drama as a part of human history. You will learn about the role that performance has played and continues to play in society and in South Africa, particularly.


  • Personal resource development
  • Acting and performance

            These two are essentially practical in nature

  • Performance texts in content
  • Theatre and/or film production

These two are essentially theoretical.

Skills acquired: analyzing texts for their meaning, playability and comprehension, and learning how both style and content can carry a message, interacting with the texts practically, gaining an understanding of how one moves from the printed word to a practical performance, developing their voices and bodies as well as freeing their imaginations. Good actors have excellent control over their instrument, which is their body. Characterization comes from fine motor control and vocal variation, all controlled by an active imagination. Dramatic Arts develops these skills in a fun and energetic way.

Should I take this subject?

If you have an interest in performing arts, then take this subject. You do not need to be exceptionally talented. Bear in mind though, that this subject is not a designated subject and is not a requirement for entrance into any university degree.


Dramatic Arts is useful in the world of work!  Dramatic Arts prepares learners for entry into further studies for a possible career in the drama (or related arts) field.  The practical side of drama develops confident and forthright people who think quickly on their feet and who interact freely with others. Drama students will be well prepared for any job that requires self-discipline, working in teams, the presentation of information to large groups, creative and innovative or ‘out-the-box’ thinking and obviously any career in the Performing Arts.

Read up more on careers in the Performing Arts.

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