Life Orientation
DescriptionLife Orientation (LO) is a compulsory subject from Grade 8-12. It encompasses the development of skills, physical education, career guidance, health, citizenship as well as personal, emotional and social development. Life orientation provides a learner with the necessary skills to compile a CV, understand relationships, find a career, learn about lifestyle diseases or understand why democracy is necessary in our country.
PurposeOrientation is a very broad subject which can be seen as the core of the curriculum which influences all other subjects, as it deals with the whole person and equips students for life.
It guides and prepares learners to respond appropriately to life’s responsibilities and opportunities.
Curriculum- Development of the self in society
- Social and environmental responsibility
- Democracy and human rights
- Careers and career choices
- Study skills
- Physical Education
Life Orientation is a skills development subject and is practical by nature. The skills are assessed largely by portfolio tasks. Because of this, the subject is not usually added to the APS scores for admission to tertiary institutions. However the community service and external certificates done during the three year course are particularly advantageous in gaining admission to certain courses, such as medicine, at some tertiary institutions.