Acrobat or Circus Artist

Acrobats are performers, usually in a circus, who perform tumbling and gymnastic routines to entertain the audience. Acrobats normally have a gymnastics background but if not, they can be taught. 

There are various levels associated with the absolute beginner. Acrobats are taught how to do a basic forward and back roll, cartwheel, handstands and how to use springboards and trampolines. Beginners and beginner / intermediate acrobats practise the same movements as absolute beginners, they just do it a little faster. Intermediate acrobats are able to do a back flip. Advanced acrobats are able to link various movements together and the aim of these acrobats is to improve on their technique and line.

Acrobatic balancing requires two or more people to work together. One acts as a "base" and the other balances on top of that person. Acrobats are also able to juggle with balls, clubs, rings, on their own or in groups; walk on stilts and ride a unicycle. Before acrobats sign up for aerial classes (static and flying trapeze and cord lisse), they usually need to go for a day course in "an introduction to circus skills".  This career can involve travelling, which can be a problem for stability regarding home and personal life.

Personal Requirements

  • at least 16 years old and have a gymnastics background.
  • extremely fit and agile
  • have strong determination to succeed
  • willingness to put in a lot of hard work
  • enjoy travelling

How to Enter

Schooling & School Subjects

No specific requirement, but it is recommended that you progress as far as you can at school level.

What to Study

To train as an acrobat, you would have to join a troupe or circus and have someone agree to become your trainer. Attending a circus school first could be advantageous.


Employment opportunities for acrobats are limited
Options include: circuses’ performing troupes.

Further Information

Zip Zap Circus School
6 Shannon street
Salt River, 7925
Tel: (021) 421-8622

Getting Started

  •  speak to acrobats whenever you have the opportunity about their careers
  •  practise juggling whenever you have free time
  •  try to get your own troupe together at school and put on acrobatic shows

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Zip Zap Circus School for Social Change in Cape Town


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