Grain Grader

Grain graders are responsible for the grading, storage and distribution of grain. Grain is marketed according to its class and grade. To determine the quality of the grain, grain graders examine representative samples of all grain deliveries and grade them. Properties that are analysed include: moisture, protein, siftings, hectolitre mass, insufficient seeds, infections of mould, harmful seeds, foreign materials and grain insects. Certain loads may be rejected after analysis.

Loads of grain that have been accepted, are sorted into different classes and grades, and the storage of the grain is supervised to ensure that the different grades and classes are stored separately.

Grain graders often work in silo complexes, where they are concerned with the determination of the mass of grain received or dispatched, the storage and fumigation of grain and the hygiene of the silo complex. Grain graders are also sometimes responsible for the various administrative tasks necessary in running silos or grain depots.

Related careers are to be found in the grain and processing industry, for example, mills, malt-houses and producers of breakfast cereals, the Perishable Products Export Control Board, the various grain boards and also in the seed industry and the agricultural chemical industry.

Grain graders usually work in grading rooms, where all the necessary grading equipment is available. If they work for co-operatives, grain-dealers or seed growers, they will work mainly in rural areas and if they work at a mill or other grain processors, they are more likely to be operative in urban areas.

Conscientious grain graders can be promoted to depot managers, inspectors or product managers. Specialisation within the food processing industries is also possible.

Personal Requirements

  • honest and reliable
  • impartial and objective
  • meticulous approach
  • dedicated
  • good communication skills

How to Enter

Schooling & School Subjects

National Senior Certificate.

What to Study

Employers offer basic in-service training as well as a number of short courses, which will assist grain graders to achieve proficiency.

Short courses may include: grading, grain managing, fumigation, spraying, first aid and occupational safety.


  • co-operatives
  • grain processors
  • corn-chandlers

Getting Started

  • try to get part-time or vacation work at a silo or grain processor
  • speak to grain graders about this type of work and ask permission to observe them at work

Programmes by Study Institutions

Related Occupations

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