Measurement and Control Technician

Production processes depend to a large extent on instruments, which are the eyes and ears of the process industry. The main task of measurement and control technicians is to provide the link between the engineering and process teams in industry.

Measurement and control technicians are responsible for the installation, restoration, maintenance, adjustment and calibration of electrical, electronic, mechanical and hydraulic instruments, as well as the associated communication and data systems.

The technicians are also capable of designing and building electric and electronic circuits. The latest technology concerning instrumentation demands a thorough knowledge of computing technology and process control computers. Apart from quickly becoming comfortable with the particular process, measurement and control technicians will also be called upon to apply other engineering skills and to control electrical and mechanical apparatus.

The application of safety regulations and first aid has to be second nature to measurement and control technicians.

Personal Requirements

  • have technical aptitude
  • have an affinity for numbers
  • attention to detail
  • the ability to think logically
  • to manage technical and administrative tasks
  • be able to maintain balanced interpersonal relationships, as the work involves a great deal of teamwork
  • be able to judge, lead and direct others
  • be healthy and fit

How to Enter

Schooling & School Subjects

National Senior Certificate
Qualified mechanicians possessing a N3 Certificate may also be trained as technicians

What to Study

Training is conducted exclusively at universities of technology:

  • commences with two semesters of theory
  • followed by a year of in-service training
  • a further two semesters of theory
  • leading to the N.Dip. Engineering
  • the N.H.Dip. is awarded after a further semester of study and in-service training
Courses in Engineering are offered at most universities of technology.


The more experience technicians have and the better their qualifications are, the better job opportunities will become.

  • Eskom
  • Sappi
  • Sasol
  • oil refineries
  • mining houses
  • manufacturing plants
  • railways
  • water boards
  • municipalities
  • there are many opportunities for enterprising technicians to open their own businesses.

Further Information

SA Institute of Measurement and Control
The General Secretary
P O Box 93124
Yeoville, 2143
Tel: (011) 312-2445

Any of the above-mentioned employers may be contacted.

Getting Started

  • try to obtain vacation work in a firm that employs such technicians
  • arrange to speak to a measurement and control technician about this type of career

Programmes by Study Institutions

Related Occupations

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