Radio Careers

There are several different and interesting careers in the field of radio, for example: 

Radio programme writers work in all areas, often taking the news from the wire services and editing or rewriting new stories for local broadcasters. 

The duties of radio and TV announcers are determined by their employers.

Radio programme writers also produce story scripts, organize various materials and write each story to format requirements. If necessary, story material is edited and rewritten. They also create feature scripts for news staff and sometimes develop commercials for sponsors.

 The duties of radio and TV announcers are determined by their employers. Radio announcers communicate by means of the radio to their listeners. They need to have an aptitude for communicating with people, particularly an invisible audience. Radio and TV announcers usually specialize in introducing recorded music, presenting the news and weather forecasts; reading commercials, or commentating on sport or matters of local interest.

Radio announcers communicate by means of the radio to their listeners. They need to have an aptitude for communicating with people, particularly an invisible audience. Radio and TV announcers usually specialize in introducing recorded music, presenting the news and weather forecasts; reading commercials, or commentating on sport or matters of local interest.

Some announcers conduct research to prepare programmes which are relevant and meaningful to the audience. Others develop, create, record and produce their own special programmes.

Radio and television announcers work in radio or television studios. Controls, turntables and electronic equipment surround those who introduce records. Television announcers work under bright, hot lights in front of cameras. Announcers may also be required to make appearances in the community for charity, social and community events. They are required to work irregular hours in shifts. The work setting is pleasant, but at the same time exhausting. Although they must work a minimum of 40 hours per week, they usually work more and are available every day of the week on the announcer’s timetable.

How to Enter

Schooling & School Subjects

  • National Senior Certificate meeting degree requirements for a degree course
  • National Senior Certificate meeting diploma requirements for a diploma course

Each institution has its own entry requirements.

What to Study

Radio programme writers - Degree: BA with such subjects as Journalism, English, Literature, Music, History, Art, the Classics.

Most radio programme writers enter the field after graduating from university. Good writers who have other skills such as announcing, will also be well qualified for this type of position.

An announcer receives in-service training at the SABC and other recognised broadcasting training institutions. A candidate for the post of announcer must pass a microphone audition.

The following are important in an audition: 

  • voice quality
  • free speaking ability
  • reading ability
  • knowledge of mother language and other languages
  • knowledge of music
  • ability to communicate
  • pronunciation and expression.


  • television stations
  • commercial radio broadcasting stations
  • radio networks
  • self-employment, with freelance work

Further Information

Contact any of the above mentioned potential employers, such as:

Any of the Regional Managers of the SABC in Pretoria, Cape Town, Durban, Port Elizabeth, Pietersburg or Bloemfontein - refer to the telephone directory for addresses and telephone numbers.

Getting Started

  • try to obtain vacation or part-time work in a radio station
  • hone your writing skills and try writing a radio play
  • arrange to speak to a radio programme writer about this type of career
  • try to develop an outgoing personality and ability to speak in front of others by working on school newspapers and yearbooks, and participating in drama clubs or productions
  • become well read and well informed in a variety of areas
  • arrange an appointment to visit a radio or television station to speak to an announcer
  • try to obtain vacation or part-time work in a radio or TV station

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