Legal Practitioners Fidelity Fund (LLB Studies)
The minimum requirement for qualification for such a bursary is a BA (Law), B Comm (Law), B Iuris or B Proc degree or a similar qualification or proof of successful completion of the first two years of the revised 4-year LLB curriculum. If you are currently in your 1st semester of your second year, we can assist with a bursary for your 3rd and 4th year of study. OR If you are currently in your 1st semester of your third year, we can assist with a bursary for your final year of study. Preference will be given to applicants in serious financial need, although outstanding academic merit will be taken into consideration. A bursary shall only be applied towards the tuition fees of a recipient. The Fund’s Board of Control will in each case determine the amount of the bursary. A bursary can be awarded for a maximum period of two years at a South African University.
Bursary Fields
Bursary Levels
Which Countries can Apply?
South Africa
Related Occupations
Law Careers
Service Contract
Closing Date
15 August 2025
Contact Details
Operations Co-ordinator Attorneys Fidelity Fund 5th Floor Waalburg Building, 28 Wale Street, Cape Town, 8001
P O Box 3062, Cape Town, 8000 Docex 154, Cape Town
021 424 5351
Application Address