MTN Accounting Bursary (Graduate Development Programme)



The CA (Chartered Accountants) programme is one of the key strategic learnership programmes of MTN, established by the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA) to ensure the best training possible within a business environment. The CA programme is available to MTNers as well as external candidates.
Bursary Fields

Chartered Accounting
Who Can Apply

The CA Programme is open to applicants who have completed a BComAcc (Hons / CTA degree. Applicants, who are in the final year of BComAcc (Hons) / CTA, may also submit applications which must be received prior to the closing date of 31st May. In the event that you are successful in the recruitment and selection process, and have passed your BComAcc (Hons)/CTA examination, you will be made offers to commence training in February of the following year.

Bursary Levels

Which Countries can Apply?

South Africa
Related Occupations

Chartered Accountant

Benefits: We offer a three year rotational system of training that enables trainees to experience a good overview of the entire organization The MTN CA programme offers individuals the opportunity to fast-track their careers as CAs as they are able to train within the commercial environment in which they wish to specialize.
Service Contract

Employment contractual obligation of one year for every year of bursary funded. Once qualified, students have to work for the company for the period equal to tenure of their bursary
Contact Details

216 14th Avenue, Fairland, Randburg, Gauteng 2195, South Africa
Submit your well-prepared curriculum vitae, together with available academic results, transcripts and your matric certificate to: The CA Programme Manager: Fiona Wilson Postal address: Private Bag 9955 CRESTA 2118 Business address: 14th Avenue Fairlands Roodepoort 2195 Email:
Telephone: (011) 912-3183
Application Address

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