
Careers without Mathematics
Careers without Mathematics
Friday, 22 November 2019
There are hundreds and hundreds of careers that you can do without Mathematics.
What to Study after Matric
Tuesday, 01 January 2019

Passing matric is a significant achievement for any young person in South Africa and opens doors to a host of opportunities depending on the level of achievement and subjects. 

Job Trends - How the Job market is Changing
Job Trends - How the Job market is Changing
Saturday, 06 January 2018
The changing world of work
Life after failing matric
Life after failing matric
Thursday, 04 January 2018
Part-Time Job Ideas for Students
Part-Time Job Ideas for Students
Wednesday, 06 December 2017
The best kind of student job is the one that pays the most, however keep in mind that any job you do will impact your future career so try to find something that which suits your personality.
Qualify as an Artisan?
Qualify as an Artisan?
Friday, 01 December 2017

Are you good with your hands? Do you enjoy fixing things around the house or building new things? Would you prefer a job which is physically demanding and where you can be independent and work for yourself one day?  Then consider becoming an artisan.  

Are you a square peg in a round hole? Maybe you are an Entrepreneur!
Are you a square peg in a round hole? Maybe you are an Entrepreneur!
Wednesday, 22 November 2017

Do you sometimes feel that you don’t quit fit the mould when it comes to careers? Like a square peg in a round hole? Then maybe less conventional types of career may suit you.

The Role of Parents in Career Decision-Making
The Role of Parents in Career Decision-Making
Monday, 13 November 2017
A parent should definitely be involved in a child’s career choice but should stop short on making the “final” decision on their behalf.  The reason for this is that career decision-making is not a singular event which starts when a person leaves school. It is a process, part of which is discovering more about who I am, and what I want to do with my life one day. By involving yourself in small ways you can help your children during each step along the way.
Internships - A foot in the door
Internships - A foot in the door
Wednesday, 18 October 2017
I still don't know what to study - should I still apply?
I still don't know what to study - should I still apply?
Saturday, 29 April 2017
Rather be safe than sorry and apply to study even if you are not sure what you want to do with your life. At least you will get the student the student card and you can reapply later using the same student number you were given. Apply on time and dont miss the deadline. You can change you mind later but you won't get in if you miss the application deadline. Top universities receive more applications than they can accept. 

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