Telecommunications Technician

Telecommunications technicians are responsible for the maintenance and repair of underground and aerial telecommunication lines, mechanical aids, power installations, satellite earth stations, radio stations and telegraph offices.

They manufacture and repair equipment and parts in a workshop where cabling, wiring and assembling are done. The duties of telecommunications technicians may include:

  • Telephony: The installation and maintenance of computer controlled equipment
  • Transmission: The installation and maintenance of telephone lines
  • Telegraphy: Installation and maintenance of telegraphic equipment
  • Field equipment: The installation and maintenance of underground and above-ground telephone lines
  • Mechanical and electrical duties: The repair and maintenance of equipment in the workshop
  • Existing technology: Maintenance of new advanced equipment, the ‘smart card’ public telephone and cellular phone.
Telecommunications technicians must keep abreast of development in the field of electronics, as computers and computerised equipment are widely used for telecommunication systems.

Personal Requirements

  • technical aptitude
  • interest in electricity and electronics
  • able to apply theoretical knowledge practically
  • able to work accurately
  • responsible and reliable
  • manual dexterity
  • good eye-hand coordination

How to Enter

Schooling & School Subjects

Compulsory Subjects: Mathematics, Physical Science
Recommended subjects: Engineering and Graphic Design 

What to Study

Various colleges train telecommunications technicians in cooperation with industries such as Transport Services, the Metal Industry Training Board and Telkom.

Learners are trained according to the new competency based modular system, which enables them to progress at their own pace through the prescribed training programme and to qualify as artisans after only 2 years.

Diploma: N.Dip: Telecommunication (S circuit), or the N.Dip: Telecommunications (N circuit) - various universities of technology and colleges

Other courses are also offered at Telkom colleges and other technical training centres, where learner technicians receive intensive courses and task-orientated in-service training in the various regions.

Telecommunications technicians can improve their qualifications by following the BTech. Degree. MTech and DTech degrees are postgraduate studies and can also be obtained at universities of technology.


  • such organisations as: Telkom, Transnet, Eskom, Siemens, Spoornet
  • cell phone companies
  • television organisations
  • self-employment, can start own business, for example supplying electronic equipment to the telecommunications world

Further Information

Potential employers can supply information regarding working conditions, salaries, study advantages, and so forth. Contact Telkom for information.

Universities of technology, universities and TVET colleges can supply information regarding course structures and subjects choices.

Getting Started

  • try to obtain vacation or part-time work in a telecommunications company
  • arrange to speak to a telecommunications technician about this type of career and ask permission to observe them at work

Programmes by Study Institutions

Related Occupations

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