Click on the careers below to get more information on the career and where to study.
If you are interested in enrolling for a free digital skills programme, you may do so on this link: MTN Skills Academy
IT Auditor |
IT Entrepreneur |
Java Developer |
Knowledge Manager |
Mechatronic Engineer |
Mobile Application Developer |
Multimedia Game Designer |
Multimedia Specialist |
Network Administrator |
Network Architect |
Network Systems and Data Communications Analyst |
Penetration Tester |
PHP Developer |
Quality Assurance Tester |
Rich Media Services Analyst |
Robotics Engineer |
Ruby on Rails Developer |
Satellite Systems Technician |
Scrum Master |
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Specialist |
Social Media Manager |
Software Developer |
Solutions Architect |
SQL Developer |
Systems Engineer |
Technical Writer |
Telecommunications Engineer |
Telecommunications Technician |
UI or UX Designer |
Video Game Tester |
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